An Exclusive Collection of Mobile Research Reports

CMO Briefing: An exclusive collection of mobile research reports

We support the world's smartest mobile marketers and data lovers — that means our research reports are tailor-made for you to extract the key industry insights that you need in order to succeed. This exclusive research package is here to help you elevate your mobile strategy from user acquisition all the way through to retention. We know that every mobile marketer has trouble:

  • Scaling mobile app revenue
  • Effectively growing user acquisition and LTV
  • Retaining & monetizing users that they've spent a lot of time and money to acquire
  • Maximizing the ROI of mobile advertising programs
If that sounds like you, the research we've curated below is geared to help you overcome these challenges. Enjoy.

As an added bonus, we'd love to connect you with an in-house mobile analyst to consult you on your mobile app growth strategy. No expectations or strings attached. Just advice from one mobile expert to another. Confirm your mobile consultation on the following page.